E-DRIV® LF-Series Brushless Electric Screwdrivers

The LF-Series is an economic brushless screwdriver. This is the perfect entry-level torque-limiting brushless power screwdriver for manufacturers.

The durable power tool features a Swiss Maxon brushless motor, which reduces the common maintenance costs associated with brush type electric screwdrivers.

The LF power tool is ESD certified, ensuring less than 1 Ohm at the bit tip. ESD management assures product quality, cost savings, and a reduction in overall ESD failures.

Pair our LF-Series electric screwdrivers with tool balancers and ergonomic torque arms. Give your workers a hand by holding onto their tools for them, decreasing the number of motions they need for each screw and allowing them to work more quickly and efficiently. Tool balancers also help workers avoid fatigue which can lead to low productivity, mistakes, and injuries.

LF-Series models offer a torque range from 0.8 to 15.6 lbf.in. Suitable for low and medium torque applications.


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Requires a STC 40 or FT-30D transformer (power supply).