Operating an IPT Preset Click Wrench
The IPT is a preset click wrench (internally adjustable) by Mountz that ensures a reliable tightening process. A preset click wrench does not feature an external adjustment scale. These tools have an internal adjustment mechanism for setting the torque value and must be preset using a torque tester. Preset torque wrenches are typically used for production applications where there is one torque setting required. However, if the torque specification changes or a new project requires a different torque setting, the preset torque wrench is still flexible enough that a new torque setting can be set internally using a torque analyzer.
The IPT click wrench features a lightly knurled non-slip grip. Designed and manufactured to meet or exceed the accuracy and repeatability requirements of ISO6789: 2003, Mountz offers various models covering a torque range from 3.7 to 885.6 foot-pounds.
Need assistance selecting the correct preset wrench? Chat with our torque experts, call 1-888-925-2763.
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