EZ-12RPC Posi-Control Articulated Torque Arm

Item #: 260165
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Eliminate product rework and warranties by adding another layer of error-proofing to the manufacturing line. In many ass READ MORE

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Item #:
- 8.8 lbf.ft
- 12 N.m
- 1.2 kgf.m
Tool Height:
Clamp Color:
1 - 1 1/2"
Balancer Weight Capacity:
1.1 - 2.6 lbs
Arm Reach At Inclination 0°:
15 1/8" - 21"
Arm Reach At Inclination 22.5°:
14 1/2" - 20"
Arm Reach At Inclination 45°:
12 1/3" - 18"
Eliminate product rework and warranties by adding another layer of error-proofing to the manufacturing line. In many assemblies, tightening fasteners in the correct sequence is what ensures the reliability of the joint. Position control torque arms are designed for assembly lines with sequential fastening. The poka-yoke device system reduces the risks of improper fastening through the use of a position-control system (posi-control device). It consists of a torque arm equipped with an encoder and a touch screen posi-control device. 

  • Full control of tightening sequence & tool position 
  • Prevent parts leaving the assembly area with missing 
  • Visual sequence guide displaying drawings or photos
  • Digital I/O allows interfacing with automation controllers and line control
  • Torque arm requires the DPC-Touch Posi-Control System 
  • Safeguard against fastening failures by ensuring that every screw is in the correct location at the right torque.
  • Programmable sequence operation. 
  • Traceability and error-proofing. Real-time monitoring.
  • Detects - cross-threading, omissions, unfinished rundowns and cycle complete. Keeps tool perpendicular.
  • Digital I/O signals for communication with external devices such as PLC.
  • Ergonomics and safety for your employees. Reduces RMI (Repetitive Motion Injury) and CTS (Carpal Tunnel Syndrome) while boosting production.
  • Provides smooth flexible range as the arm absorbs torque reactions from electric air screwdrivers, angle nut runners, pulse tools, and pistol grip tools.
  • Quick and easy to setup. Self-teaching and automation program mode.
  • Programmable: Positioning tolerance, Min. and Max. time for poka-yoke control (automatic or manual) and 99 memory points
  • Compatible with DC Controlled Tools, electric screwdrivers
  • With the ability to bend like an elbow, the torque arm provides agility to position the tool in a variety of positions for different applications. Arm can be set at an inclination of 0º , 22.5º and 45º .